• We believe in experiencing everything first hand, because it speaks to our credibility and our ability to tell compelling narratives. We pride ourselves on being cultural participants. We want to know everything about everything. The goal is to share the best things the World has to offer with you, our audience. We live to tell stories that excite and inspire. We try to reach those with a discerning taste, and an appreciation for luxury, heritage, and quality. Most importantly, we want to reach individuals who aspire to be great.
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  • My Life: WBF Press Conference- Day 2 Madison Square Garden-NYC


    We packed up on a tour bus and headed to monumental places in New York City. The first stop was the world most famous stadium Madison Square Garden. We got the complete tour of the venue, locker rooms and vip lounges. It’s very fascinating to see MSG when no one else is there. It really puts things into perspective.

    Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable as he walked us trough the entire stadium giving us unknown facts about the place. Did you guys know that some of the ball games are actually played on ice? The actually cover the ice with the hardwood if they don’t have time to change the ice. (I always wondered)



    My view from the skybox



    The announcers room


    The doors to enter the basketball players rooms are like 9 feet tall I believe, while the doors to the hockey players rooms are really wide so the goalies can get in with their equipment.




    We actually got to touch the court and some of us touched the rim ( we were not allowed)


    Big shout out to Jason! It is always great to see that dude.
