• We believe in experiencing everything first hand, because it speaks to our credibility and our ability to tell compelling narratives. We pride ourselves on being cultural participants. We want to know everything about everything. The goal is to share the best things the World has to offer with you, our audience. We live to tell stories that excite and inspire. We try to reach those with a discerning taste, and an appreciation for luxury, heritage, and quality. Most importantly, we want to reach individuals who aspire to be great.
  • Archives

  • My Life: Refresh Party Invitation!

    Pepsi refresh party project invite 1

    Pepsi refresh party project invite 3

    A couple years ago I was in Barcelona having dinner with a very influential individual and we were discussing industry parties and their invitation props. He told me that he never attends a party unless the invitation cost more than $10 to produce. We both chuckled, but I know he was dead serious! We then started to talk about how ill Kanye West’s 30th birthday party invitation was and how it would be very hard to beat. (best party I ever attended)

    Well Yesterday I received one of the illest invites ever! Leave it up to Team Epiphany to carry out such an extraordinary invite!

    Pepsi refresh party project invite 2

    Pepsi refresh party project invite

    pepsi x party

    They sent me a football helmet as an invitation to the Pepsi Refresh project in Miami for Super Bowl Weekend. This party is hosted by Rihanna and a live soundtrack by the Madden Bros. I think it is such an amazing invite and I’m pretty sure it cost more than $10 to produce ha!

    Shout out to Team Epiphany for the invite!

    Friday, February 5th 2010

    Liv @ The Fontainebleau
