Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
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  • My Thoughts: Familiarity

    My Thoughts: Familiarity

    Human nature is a big part of my thought process. I usually try to break down patterns of human nature so I can come up with theories that I can apply to my life and share with others. I believe if we start dissecting some basic human patterns we would be a lot less frustrated with others. Ha!

    I have this theory about familiarity and what people are attracted to. Since we live in a society of spam and marketing we become very apprehensive about accepting new things. We prefer familiarity! Especially when it comes to brands, products or even music, I believe sometimes we even act that way with people. Everyone is constantly trying to get us to pay attention to what they are doing, what makes it stick? A lot of these people don’t realize that human nature says we pay attention to things that are familiar. We pay attention to things that we know or heard of, it is very seldom that we care about the unknown, especially when someone is trying to market it to us.

    I was having a conversation tonight about brands and building a name for yourself. It’s a lot easier to get your foot in the door if people heard about you before. People really need that familiarity. The only time this theory goes out the window is when people pretend to know about you, your brand or product so they don’t feel out of touch, but that only happens when you’re a person of interest or possibly you’re underground and they just feel like they’ve missed something.

    Human nature says that we care about what we know we also have pride in what we know at least most of us do. Have you ever been in a situation where someone questioned you about a particular subject and you acted like you knew what he or she was taking about but in reality you had no idea? Usually people only act that way because they don’t want to seem uncool or out of touch especially if it’s in their best interest to know about certain things.

    I’m sure it was a lot easier for Drake to get a soda commercial because the world already knew who he was. So the goal should be to make everyone know who and what your brand is about if you are trying to connect on a global scale. When people are familiar they become a lot more receptive and let you into the door a bit sooner. Familiarity!

    1. People love what is familiar, especially when it comes to brands, music, products and people.
    2. It is a lot easier to get your foot in the door when people are familiar with you, your brand, or products.
    3. You have to market yourself enough so people know you globally (That’s where marketing comes in)
    4. Maybe if you are lucky people will feel out of touch not knowing what you or your brand is about. No one likes being out of touch or getting that late pass.

    Just my Thoughts!