Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
  • Archives

  • My Life: Trip to Beijing Day 1


    Arrived at the Vancouver airport, and met up with the crew from the Inquiring Minds, Greg and Mike. We all off to Beijing for the Nike event.


    This trip is going to be mad fun, can’t you tell? Greg already has the smile on his face!


    My luggage! Bruxe Designs, I wanted to pack mad light for this 10 day adventure, so I decide to roll with my newly acquired Bruxe bags, I spoke about them before in case you missed it. Troughout the trip I will rate the bag all the pros and cons.

    Pros 3day back pack: Mad sexy and stylish, the 3 day pack has all my equipment, wires, laptop, cameras and shoes…very comfortable and easy on the back even tho it feels heavy.

    Pros Duffel bag : Mad sexy, rolls really well, fits in overhead compartment (key) I managed to fit 3 pairs of pants, 2 light weight jackets, 10boxers, 10 tshirts, a sweater and my toque.

    Cons: Too sexy, people are trying to steal it, I am afraid to scuff the patent leather and the 3 day back pack has to laptop compartment.

    Stay tuned as these bags and me go trough some rigorous exercise over the next 10 days!

    Quick shout out to Leslie, MBeleza and Ahmad.
