• We believe in experiencing everything first hand, because it speaks to our credibility and our ability to tell compelling narratives. We pride ourselves on being cultural participants. We want to know everything about everything. The goal is to share the best things the World has to offer with you, our audience. We live to tell stories that excite and inspire. We try to reach those with a discerning taste, and an appreciation for luxury, heritage, and quality. Most importantly, we want to reach individuals who aspire to be great.
  • Archives

  • My Life: Toronto Film Festival – Diddy Party


    While Backstage at the Etalk Much Music Puffy Party I met up with Idris Elba aka Stringer Bell from The Wire (my favorite show) He was rocking the new Y-3’s sneakers very dope. He really Liked my G9 camera and told me he was practicing photography. He took this pic of me with my camera.


    I told him to loose the flash for better pictures. (thanks boyko for the advice)


    Puffy or Diddy performing on stage.


    My Homies from MTV on the job interviewings celebrities. Johnny was asking me to bring Cassie to him so he could interview her, but unfortunately I lost her…


    Janet in the place to be.


    Offshoot communications crew Marlon, Killz, Henri and Skipper Big C


    Backstage, Is that Belly?

    Check out the MTTV section for video footage of this event.
