Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
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  • Live From The Berry- The Co-Sign

    I had a very interesting conversation this morning at 7:30 am with someone I would like to consider my comrade. The conversation revolved are “THE CO-SIGN” which I know most of you are familiar with this terminology and for those of you who are not it means vouching for someone or something. I told my fellow comrade that he has to stop co-signing people or movements unless he is for sure he wants to be forever attached or affiliated with it.

    I feel like giving someone a co-sign doesn’t really mean what it used to mean. My father told me stories of a time when a co-sign really meant something, If you co-signed for another individual it meant you were willing to put your head on a chopping block for that person. I learnt quickly after watching so Mafia’s movies how to differentiate ” A friend of mine from a friend of ours” In today’s world I am under the impression that people give out co-signs like they give out toothbrushes at the Dentist office, everyone can get one! Do you remember when you favorite rapper would co-sign another rapper it meant that rapper was next in line? Do you remember when your favorite rapper told you that a certain brand of liquor or car was the shit to have? And everyone went out and bought into it? A lot of that has changed since companies figured out the way to get everyone with a voice to co-sign their products by cutting them a check or flowing them the latest gadgets or sneakers. Half of the stuff people talk about and co-sign they don’t even like themselves, they just do it because of the money or the perks. With this very blog I try to stay as true as I can by only talking and promoting products that I truly like. I refuse to co-sign something I personally don’t find interesting or cool. This approach as often had me at war with friends, colleagues and brands because I refused to speak on things I was not down with personally. I think my readers appreciate that about marcustroy.com, if you don’t please let me know! I think the same thing is happening with people! Most of us are on a journey to be successful and we encounter a lot of people on our journey who are on the same path, we get so caught up on this journey that we co-sign people we meet with in seconds of knowing them, with out doing our homework on them or their movement. I think we often find ourselves co-signing people, artist, music, brands without even doing our research. We call every one “homie” and “good friend” even if we met them last week! I think this is becoming a real problem for many, because when that “homie” or “good friend” turns out to be the opposite we feel like we’ve been played! I think social media sites like facebook as a lot of people confused about who is a friend and who isn’t. My advice is to stop CO-signing people or movements unless you know what they are truly about. Unless you are willing to really put your head on a chopping block, stop doing it. Would you co-sign a bank loan or a mortgage for one of these people? I did not think so, so why co-sign anything else.

    1. Only Co-sign someone or a movement if you have done your research

    2. Only Co-Sign someone or a movement you believe in

    3. When it comes to people, not everyone is who you think they are be careful who you co-sign

    4. Be decisive! Don’t just co-sign something because everyone else is co-signing it. Make up your own mind.

    5. Really consider who is your friend and your homie. Is he a friend of yours or a friend of ours?

    Marcus Troy
    Montreal (waiting on my meeting to start)