• We believe in experiencing everything first hand, because it speaks to our credibility and our ability to tell compelling narratives. We pride ourselves on being cultural participants. We want to know everything about everything. The goal is to share the best things the World has to offer with you, our audience. We live to tell stories that excite and inspire. We try to reach those with a discerning taste, and an appreciation for luxury, heritage, and quality. Most importantly, we want to reach individuals who aspire to be great.
  • Archives

  • Live From The Berry -So Amazing

    Without trying to sound cliché, I think you can learn something from anyone. You can learn what to do or what not to do. Yesterday while in NYC, I had the opportunity to speak with a complex individual who inspired me by their thoughts, ideas, vision and passion. It was a brief conversation but I learned so much and left feeling inspired to take over the world. When you live the way you want to live, live where you want to live and do what you want to do it’s truly a blessing. For some that might be a privilege but I now believe it can be a state of mind. If you follow trough on your thoughts and ideas you could possibly achieve anything.
    Just my thoughts…