Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
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  • News: Aldo’s Latest “ALDO FIGHTS AIDS” Product

    Getting Lost

    ALDO has once again partnered with YouthAIDS to launch its 2009 ALDO Fights
    AIDS (AFA) campaign. ALDO’s world-class designers have created three collectible, limited-run reusable AFA Tote Bags to raise money in support of YouthAIDS’ education and prevention programs in South Africa:

    September 1st – “Getting Lost”
    October 1st – “In the City”
    November 1st – “Jukebox”

    “At ALDO, we regard ourselves as part of a larger global community. In other words, we believe that it is everyone’s ethical responsibility to get involved and make a difference,” affirms Aldo Bensadoun, Founder and CEO of ALDO. “Since 1985 wehave been committed to the fight against AIDS – an initiative that reflects the principles upon which our company was founded:love, integrity, and respect.” To accompany the totes ALDO commissioned “Our Last Adventure: In Memory of Martha,” a fictional narrative, available at www.aldoshoes.com/afa, that elaborates on the bond of friendship shared by three high school kids and celebrates the life of Martha, a teen who died as the result of an accident. The story speaks to the universal sense of loss experienced by those who grieve the untimely death of a loved one. This is especially significant to the AIDS pandemic: it kills one child every minute
    and, with over 15 million children orphaned to date, continues to rob generations of their parents. The consequences of these deaths are far reaching — the impact on the families, friends, and communities of those affected by the disease cannot beoverestimated.

    Martha’s death was the result of an accident; had she received help in time, she would have lived. The importance of education and knowledge are delivered through the story’s positive, life-affirming message in a way that is in keeping with YouthAIDS’ motivational outreach programs and initiatives that educate and inspire youth to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS.Proceeds from the tote bags will go towards HIV prevention and education activities in South Africa, where every day 1,000 people are newly infected with the disease. YouthAIDS – a global HIV-prevention program that uses music, sports and pop culture to help teach young adults about the disease – will use the ALDO Fights AIDS funding to reach hundreds of thousands of young South Africans with life-saving messages about HIV. Through the support of its school program, YouthAIDS will train high school students as peer educators and teach them how they can share HIV-prevention information in the most suitable manner
    with fellow students and others their age. The proceeds will also help enhance the YouthAIDS Mobile Video Unit program, which brings HIV-prevention information to remote and rural communities in a hip and upbeat manner through the use of local celebrities and musicians. Combined, these programs reach more than 500,000 South Africans every year with HIV prevention messages – a true necessity in a country where nearly 6 million people are already infected with the disease. “For every tote bag sold, ALDO and YouthAIDS will be able to provide one young person with the information and tools they need to protect themselves from HIV for up to six months,” affirms YouthAIDS Founder Kate Roberts. “This is the fourth consecutive year that we have teamed up with ALDO and we are incredibly proud and grateful for their ongoing commitment to this cause.”

    The collectible tote bags will be available at all ALDO, ALDO ACCESSORIES and ALDO Outlet stores,
    as well as online at www.aldoshoes.com/afa. All totes will retail for $10.00 each with 100% of the net
    proceeds benefiting YouthAIDS.