Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
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  • Refresh Your Fall Footwear With SWIMS @SWIMSofficial

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    For this upcoming autumn season, Scandinavian label, SWIMS, has updated a few classic footwear silhouettes for the inclement weather to come. Besides the handsome Brogues shoes, Galoshes, and Chelsea boots, which have been built with lightweight but weather-resistant materials to tackle rain, sleet, or snow, the brand has introduced new styles as well. SWIMS has dubbed them Motion and Storm. The two have been designed to exhibit a contemporary footwear aesthetic with traditional Nordic ski boot. The result is a rugged, functional but fashion-forward piece with details like a side-zipper, heel tab, and a grippy outsole.

    Take a look at our favourite pieces above and head over to SWIMS to take in their newest arrivals.

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