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  • News: Levi’s Archives Acquires 130-Year-Old Pair Jeans @Levis

    New_Nevada_Jeans_FRONT_0280[3] New_Nevada_Jeans_BACK_0286[3]For those of you who may not be familiar, the Levi Strauss & Co. Archives isn’t just a library of catalogued products and advertisements. It’s a working archives, leveraged to learn about Levi’s past, but also to inspire future innovation. Product acquisitions are made from time to time, seeking out the best of the best to add to its collection of iconic, American products.

    On the 142nd birthday of Levi’s iconic 501 jean the brand’s Levi Strauss & Co. Archives revealed the acquisition of their “New Nevada Pants”. This is the most important event for the archives to date! As it is one of the oldest pair of jeans in existence, dating back to the 1880s.

    The details, wear patterns and condition of this historic garment are not only unique, but also remarkable given the age. They are a true symbol of Levi’s early and steadfast commitment to durability.