Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
  • Archives

  • My Life: Cool guys wear rain boots (do they?) Update!




    In a previous post I mentioned I got these rain boots by Le Chameau. I got a couple emails about how and what do you wear them with. So I put together three looks of wearing the boots for you guys.

    1. Look 1: Very low key, jeans over the boots a lot less obvious that your wearing rain boots if your shy and are not that daring.

    2. Look 2: Very fresh, rolled down, very sloppy like and gives you a bit more swag and style.

    3. Look 3: I don’t care what people think! Cool guys wear rain boots like. Your friends might laugh at you and call you names but if you like to set trends, might be the way to go.

    I’ve rocked all threes of these looks on a couple of occasions and the look that people liked the most was look number 2.

    Jacket: Members only

    Shirt: Canterbury of New Zealand

    Tie: Canterbury of New Zealand

    Jeans: APC