Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
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    Life is like a highway.
    I like driving and taking long showers I feel it gives my mind more time to just relax and think. I was driving to a meeting the other day and I was stuck in traffic. Unlike most people, I don’t get that frustrated or upset while I’m in traffic, I accept it for what it is and realized a long time ago there isn’t much I can do about it. Sometimes I look over to the rest of my driving peers and I can see the frustration in their faces and the anxiety in their actions.
    I started breaking down the parallels of life and the highway and came up with a few analogies and quotes I would like to share with you guys.
    1.Life is a highway because: The highway signs we see above us which are meant to get us to our destination can be compared to the signs, commands or rules from God he left us to reach his destination. We often times ignore both signs (because we feel life we know our way) and get lost. Oftentimes we don’t pay enough attention to the signs and end up taking the wrong turns and have to start our journey over again.

    2.Life is a highway because: The highway is usually filled with other cars trying to get to a given destination at the same time, which mounts up to traffic. For some people this is the most frustrating thing in the world. We sit back in our cars upset, frustrated and feel that we just aren’t going anywhere fast. How often in life do we feel like we are stuck in traffic and just aren’t going anywhere fast? Sometimes it’s our love life, our careers our friendships or religious goals that aren’t going as fast as we would like them.

    3.Life is a highway because: On the highway the position we’re in seems to be very important. Whenever we’re stuck in traffic we have the tendency to look at the other cars that are ahead of us in envy. We wish we were in their spot! How often do we look at our peers or even strangers and wish we had their spot? We wish we had their talent, girlfriend, boyfriend, career, clothes or life. We get bothered and say to ourselves I wish I were ahead of that guy or girl. These thoughts sometimes cause us to drive a little more recklessly to get to that spot and we inevitably cause accidents or make the drive a lot longer.

    4.Life is a highway because: We often see people switching lanes on the highway trying to get ahead of everyone else. Just like in life most people do not stick to their lane. They switch jobs all the time, switch careers all the time, switch significant others all the time and wonder why they never get anywhere. I’ve learned driving on the highway that most times if you stick in your lane and be patient you get to where you’re going in the right amount of time. Switching all the time gives you the impression your getting there quicker but in reality you are causing the traffic and continuously starting your lane over.

    5.Life is a highway because: You ever notice your neighbor leave his house before you and when you finally get on the highway you see him behind you? Maybe the opposite occurs when you leave your house before them and then you see them breeze past you? The highway just like life gives you these little chances to pass others based on your driving strategy. We should never be envious of someone who gets a head start, you can always catch up or get ahead of him or her if you’re driving properly and pay attention to the signs.
    6.Life is a highway because: Accidents do happen! Sometimes we’re doing everything right, we are minding our business, driving in our lane, paying attentions to the signs and bang! We get into an accident. I believe everything happens for a reason. No matter how well you are driving sometimes the people who are around you driving reckless crash into you and damaged your car or even kill you. The negative influences around you can be detrimental to your travels on the highway of life. Accidents that slow you up on the highway can be the obstacles that come up in life when everything is going great. How you deal in life when faced with those obstacles (like road blocks) will determine how quickly you get to your destination.
    I can go on and on about all the parallels between life and the highway. Let me know your thoughts! And please share if you see any more parallels that I did not mention.
    From the mind of Marcus Troy.