Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
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  • Live From The Berry- Come Heavy, Or Not At All

    “Next time you come to see me, come heavy, or not at all.”

    How powerful is this line? Well first let me put it into context. In Episode 4 of the Soprano’s called Meadowland, which aired January 31st 1999, Uncle Junior and Tony Soprano get into some sort of power struggle. They have a brief exchange of words with Junior’s final words being: “The next time you come see me, come heavy or not at all.”

    He was obviously telling Tony, next time you come back come back with a gun and make a statement because there will be no talking we will be going to war.

    I felt these words to be so powerful and gangster at the same time. The reason why I’m bringing this up is because I think there is an important lesson to be learnt here. You have to know how to step to people especially if they are in a position of power…Come heavy, or don’t come at all. I guess Big Daddy Kane understood the rules and that’s why he dropped the gem: “Ain’t no half Steppin”

    I get countless emails from artists,managers, brands and Pr firms who all want to get their movement promoted on my site and I have to say that half of them don’t come heavy at all! They want to half step and think they are going to get my attention and the attention of other bloggers. You got to come heavy man!

    In this information age and the easy access to the right tools and information why are some people still communicating like we are in the dark ages?

    Brands will hit me up and say they would like for me to feature their new products but won’t even include a picture or a logo not even a working website for me to click on. Why would I even entertain you if you can’t even step to me correctly? You want me to promote your music right? But you send me links that I have to download! Why would anyone want to download unsolicited music? At least make it easy for the bloggers or websites you send things to.

    If you remember in this episode, Junior was in the café with his friends minding his business when Tony walked in to talk to him, evidently interrupting him. So imagine us bloggers sitting in a café of the Internet world (at home) and you come to where we are hanging out with our friends to speak to us about a matter…you better come to us correctly because you are interrupting our soup and the morning paper. If you want our attention come heavy or don’t come at all. MAKE A STATEMENT!

    *Spamming us on twitter or via email will get you ignored
    *Starting off your sentence with I love your blog I read it all the time but you CC’d not Bcc”d to 100 other people is not a good look.
    *Neglecting to leave website links or info with pictures is also not a good look.
    *Not being prepared for questions and not having your sites ready is also a huge problem.
    *The main thing is knowing your audience, know who you are targeting if you don’t read my blog how would you know what I am into? Don’t try and promote your new fur coat line to a PETA blogger.

    sorry for rambling off the blackberry…this came to mind while I’m waiting for my coffee

    *corner of st-catherine and peel