Marcus Troy Studios - 5524 Rue Saint-Patrick Suite 210 Montréal, Quebec, Canada -  info@marcustroy.com
  • Archives

  • Footwear: Puma Suede’s – Fall 2011

    The UPS man showed up today with some fresh sneakers from the people over at PUMA. To be honest I haven’t worn PUMA in years, I only wore the Clientele Clydes and the MTV joints from a few years ago. I’ve always been a fan of the suedes they are a great part of their archives.

    I’m really feeling the tonal suedes, black of course being my favorite then followed by red. I see these getting some rotation in the next couple of weeks.

    The new PUMA bags are pretty awesome. It is like a shoebox/bag and they say it is smarter than the old fashion shoebox because it uses 65% less paper. #awesome

    Thanks Puma.